1.Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself /character/ personality?
- My name is Zolzaya. I’m 22 years old. People call me zola. I’m one person who sociable, friendly, hardworking and honest.
2.What are your greatest strengths (weaknesses)?
-I tread responsible in any work. This is my greatest strength. And I like to race against time. I like one quotation which time never wait you! Therefore I’m hardworking person.
3.Where do you see yourself five years from now? How do you feel about your future in the profession?
-5 years later I good employee in my profession. I achieved my some goal. For a purpose do this now I’m hardworking. I see myself 5 years from mow I made a contribution in my organization by way of profession.
4. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life ?
- I think any person must determine own future goal. Most important thing is choose profession. This is your life’s first step. I think I did correct choice for my university and profession. Now I learning so many things in professional education and this is enjoyable for me. In opinion these are changed my life.
5. What extra-curricular activities were you involved in?
I was member of own school’s student council. Then I became leader. Of course I tried so much to achieve this basis.
6.What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular-activities?
So many people participate in extra activities. Therefore from they I learned how communicate each other. I learned care somebody and myself too.
7.Describe your ideal company, position and job. How do you think you can develop the organization?
- I would be telecommunication engineer. I wish my ideal company energy. Concordant collective. And work in agreeable condition in company. Company has chance which more doing and create.
8. What and in what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
- In organization I tread responsible any work. I can make new idea and invention. Then I will implement these things on my work. I will always search how I can develop own organization.
9. What makes a job enjoyable for you? What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
Politeness is very important to work. I like working people. If everyone will be rude, I will be very nervy. Firstly I must know very well about my profession. Secondly I must e friendly with my collective. Thirdly I must speak English very well.
10. Can you work under pressure ?
- Yes I can work under pressure because I think when I work under pressure I learn a lot.
11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
- Of course I will meet with difficulties. At that time I need my collective. Therefore on my job communication and interaction are very important.
12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
- I prefer to work by others. Because I’m sociable. I think o work with others I learned so many new things from others. This is very important for me.
13.What are your long-range goals and objectives?
- My long range goal is I would be telecommunication engineer. I wish organize own India shop. I have thinking all details of my shop. Now just remain. It’s come true. But I must do this. This is my long range goal.
14.What are your short-range goals and objectives?
- My short range is a successfully complete to the university and I work my own profession. Then I will become best employee of own organization.
15.How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
- I think I own my profession very well. And I learn new ideas of my profession with foreign languages. In my opinion this is good way for achieve my career.
16. What do you think you gained by working in your last job (studying in your school) ? What were you responsible for? What did your job involve?
-I think I gained many thinks in my university. Most important is learned of my professional’s more knowledge. And I owned professional English language.
17. Why do you want to work for this company?
- I know about this organization very well. Because this organization is larger than one of the Mongolia. I working in this organization is my dream’s one part. I think this organization can develop our country.
18. What type of position do you think you are suited for? How would you describe the position we have to offer?
- I’m studying by telecommunication engineer. Therefore I want to work by this profession. Work good satisfaction and reasonable salary.
19. What aspects of the position are you most interested in? How long do you think you would stay with us?
- I interest telecommunication engineer so I would stay more than 15 years with you. I want to work stable.
20. What salary would you expect for this position?
- I would expect 500.000 tug for this position.
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Address: Apt 51-50, 3nd khoroo, Bayangol district, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
E-mail: zola_0425@yahoo.com
Mobile: 96025868
1988: born in Zawkhan, Mongolia
1996-2006: Highschool 20
2006-2010: School of Information and Telecommunication technology, MUST
Work experience:
2010: 4 month, part operator in skytel
I studied how work in group.
I am confident that that my communication skill
Basketball, dance,
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Reference letter:
Munkhdelger Dembereljaw
Recommendation letter
School of Telecommunication and Information technology,MUST
Apt 30-47, 17th khoroo, Songino-Hairkhan district, Post Box-374, Post Office Ulaanbaatar- 21
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,
To: "MobiCom" company
I have known Munkhdelger for 4 years. During the years of our acquaintance, i have seen many abilities of her. He is able to study anything new and always tries to know anything new. I strongly recommend his for your offering position of work.
As Munkhdelger teacher, I have given his many tasks to do and he always done it on time. He skilled in communication software and hardware. He also has experience in Switching System as engineer and solved many problems occurred on Switching System.
If you're looking for experienced canditate with ability to rise, Munkhdelger is an excellent choice. He is self-educated, responsible, skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to answer further question about Munkhdelger.
Senior lecturer BAYARMAA G
Recommendation letter
School of Telecommunication and Information technology,MUST
Apt 30-47, 17th khoroo, Songino-Hairkhan district, Post Box-374, Post Office Ulaanbaatar- 21
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,
To: "MobiCom" company
I have known Munkhdelger for 4 years. During the years of our acquaintance, i have seen many abilities of her. He is able to study anything new and always tries to know anything new. I strongly recommend his for your offering position of work.
As Munkhdelger teacher, I have given his many tasks to do and he always done it on time. He skilled in communication software and hardware. He also has experience in Switching System as engineer and solved many problems occurred on Switching System.
If you're looking for experienced canditate with ability to rise, Munkhdelger is an excellent choice. He is self-educated, responsible, skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to answer further question about Munkhdelger.
Senior lecturer BAYARMAA G
Sunday, November 28, 2010
1-р хэсэг
through __________ дундуур, дууссан
languish __________ доройтох, сульдах
legthy __________ хугацаа, зай
regulatory __________ зохицуулалт
debates __________ шүүмжлэл
major __________ үндэс гол
issue __________ асуудал
space __________ зай
existed __________ байх, орших, байсаар байх
unused __________ ашиглаагүй байсан
plenty __________ ихтэй байх, их байх, олонтой байх
reserved __________ захиалах, нөөц
designated __________ тодорхойлох, тэмдэглэх
delay __________ саатал, хоцролт
approval __________ зөвшөөрөл, баталгаа
pending __________ хүлээж буй, шийдээгүй
hearing __________ сонсгол, шүүх хурал
spects __________ хүчин зүйл, байдаг
competition __________ өрсөлдөх
urged __________ шаардах
interveners __________ оролцох
landline __________ газраар татсан кабелиар холбогдох
subsidiary __________ салбар, нэмэлт
demonstration __________ эсэргүүцэл, жагсаал, нотолгоо
instal __________ угсрах, суурьлуулах
segment __________ хэсэгчлэл, хэсэг, хувь
into __________ руу, тай, д
breaking __________ өөрчлөлт
allocating __________ байрлуулах, хувиарлах
carrier __________ зөөгч дохио, зөөгч
cought __________ хэвшмэл үе
rapidly __________ хурдан, түргэн
exhausted __________ хоослох, шавхах
initial __________ анхдагч, эхлэлийн
expanded __________ өргөтгөх, томсгох
band __________ хүрээ, цараа
base __________ суурьлах, үндэслэх, бааз
direction __________ чиглэл, чиглүүлэх
mobile __________ хөдөлгөөнт гар утас
lower __________ доод, нам
each band __________ тус бүр
defined __________ тодорхойлсон
roughly __________ ойролцоогоор
upper __________ дээд
common __________ ердийн, нийтийн
mergers __________ нэгдэх, нийлүүлэх, угсрах, холбох
occurred __________ гарах, болох, тохиолдох
distirction __________ ялгавар, ялгаа
disappeared __________ алгаболох, үгүй болох, нуугдах
grants __________ тэтгэлэг, тэтгэмж
licenses __________ тусгай зөвшөөрөл
serve __________ ашиглах, үйлчлэх, хэрэглэх
2-р хэсэг
corresponds __________ таарах, нийцэх
metropaletion __________ том хотын
define __________ тогтоох, тодорхой тайлбарлах
budget __________ тооцоо, төлөвлөгөө
overcomes __________ дийлэх, ялах
disadrantage __________ хохирол, алдагдал
conventional __________ энгийн, ердийн, уламжлалт
coverage __________ хамрах хүрээ
dirided __________ хуваах, хуваагдах
hexagonalcells __________ өнцөг
duplicote __________ 2 дахин өсгөх
adjacent __________ зэргэлдээ, хажуу
reducess __________ багасгах, бууруулах
allows __________ зөвшөөрөх, олгох, өгөх
buffer __________ түр санах ой, завсрын ой
operating __________ үйлдэх, ашиглах, үйл ажиллагаа
technique __________ арга, техник
greatly __________ ихээр, маш их, олноор
increases __________ нэмэлт, өсөлт, өсөх
compared __________ харьцуулах, жишэх
urban __________ хотын
illustrate __________ харуулах, дүрслэх, үзүүлэх
total __________ ерөнхий, нийтийн
capacity __________ Багтаамж
fules __________ дүрэм, журам, заавар
regulations __________ зохицуулалт
specity __________ тохиолдох, заах
factors __________ нөхцөл, хүчин зүй
provider __________ хангагч, нийлүүлэгч
units __________ байгууламж, зангилаа, төхөөрөмж
agile __________ хурдан, шуурхай
shift __________ солих
voice __________ яриа, дуу хоолой
ether __________ дурын
dual __________ хос, зэрэг, давхар
mode __________ горим, төлөв, хэлбэр
responds __________ хариулах, хангах
falls __________ уналт, буурах, багасах
equipped __________ тоноглох, багаж хэрэгслээр хангах
each __________ бүр, тус бүр
site __________ хэсэг, зангилаа
transnutters __________ дамжуулагч, нэвтрүүлэгч
recevers __________ хүлээн авагч
apparatas __________ аппарат, төхөөрөмж
designated __________ тодорхойлох, тэмдэглэх
assigns __________ томилох, тушаах
directs __________ шууд, шулуун
synthesizer __________ синтезатор
appropriate __________ тохирох таарах
record __________ бичлэг хийх
billing __________ төлбөрийн нэхэмжлэх
details __________ нэг бүрчлэн
leaving __________ орхих, үлдэх, чөлөөлөх
shape __________ хэлбэр, огтлол, дүрс
provides __________ хангах, олгох, бэлдэх
way __________ чиглэл, зай
covering __________ татлах, түлхэх
gaps __________ интервал, загвар, зааг
overlaps __________ илүүдэл
matter __________ эд юм, үндэс, шалгаан
boundaries __________ агаарын хязгаар
approximate __________ ойролцоо, ойртуулах
strenght __________ бат бөх чанар
reports __________ мэдээ, мэдээлэх, илтгэх
occurred __________ гарах, болох, тохиолдох
effect __________ нөлөө, үр дүн
aside __________ салангид, тусдаа
click __________ дарах, товших
result __________ үр дүн, үр дагавар, нийлбэр
momentary __________ агшин зуур
interruption __________ тасалдал, зогсолт
demand __________ шаардлага, хүсэлт
relatively __________ холбоотой, харьцангуй
rules __________ зааварчилгаа
output __________ гаргалт, гадагшлах
necessary __________ хэрэгтэй, зайлшгүй
cover __________ таглах, бүрхэх, бүтээх
through __________ дундуур, дууссан
languish __________ доройтох, сульдах
legthy __________ хугацаа, зай
regulatory __________ зохицуулалт
debates __________ шүүмжлэл
major __________ үндэс гол
issue __________ асуудал
space __________ зай
existed __________ байх, орших, байсаар байх
unused __________ ашиглаагүй байсан
plenty __________ ихтэй байх, их байх, олонтой байх
reserved __________ захиалах, нөөц
designated __________ тодорхойлох, тэмдэглэх
delay __________ саатал, хоцролт
approval __________ зөвшөөрөл, баталгаа
pending __________ хүлээж буй, шийдээгүй
hearing __________ сонсгол, шүүх хурал
spects __________ хүчин зүйл, байдаг
competition __________ өрсөлдөх
urged __________ шаардах
interveners __________ оролцох
landline __________ газраар татсан кабелиар холбогдох
subsidiary __________ салбар, нэмэлт
demonstration __________ эсэргүүцэл, жагсаал, нотолгоо
instal __________ угсрах, суурьлуулах
segment __________ хэсэгчлэл, хэсэг, хувь
into __________ руу, тай, д
breaking __________ өөрчлөлт
allocating __________ байрлуулах, хувиарлах
carrier __________ зөөгч дохио, зөөгч
cought __________ хэвшмэл үе
rapidly __________ хурдан, түргэн
exhausted __________ хоослох, шавхах
initial __________ анхдагч, эхлэлийн
expanded __________ өргөтгөх, томсгох
band __________ хүрээ, цараа
base __________ суурьлах, үндэслэх, бааз
direction __________ чиглэл, чиглүүлэх
mobile __________ хөдөлгөөнт гар утас
lower __________ доод, нам
each band __________ тус бүр
defined __________ тодорхойлсон
roughly __________ ойролцоогоор
upper __________ дээд
common __________ ердийн, нийтийн
mergers __________ нэгдэх, нийлүүлэх, угсрах, холбох
occurred __________ гарах, болох, тохиолдох
distirction __________ ялгавар, ялгаа
disappeared __________ алгаболох, үгүй болох, нуугдах
grants __________ тэтгэлэг, тэтгэмж
licenses __________ тусгай зөвшөөрөл
serve __________ ашиглах, үйлчлэх, хэрэглэх
2-р хэсэг
corresponds __________ таарах, нийцэх
metropaletion __________ том хотын
define __________ тогтоох, тодорхой тайлбарлах
budget __________ тооцоо, төлөвлөгөө
overcomes __________ дийлэх, ялах
disadrantage __________ хохирол, алдагдал
conventional __________ энгийн, ердийн, уламжлалт
coverage __________ хамрах хүрээ
dirided __________ хуваах, хуваагдах
hexagonalcells __________ өнцөг
duplicote __________ 2 дахин өсгөх
adjacent __________ зэргэлдээ, хажуу
reducess __________ багасгах, бууруулах
allows __________ зөвшөөрөх, олгох, өгөх
buffer __________ түр санах ой, завсрын ой
operating __________ үйлдэх, ашиглах, үйл ажиллагаа
technique __________ арга, техник
greatly __________ ихээр, маш их, олноор
increases __________ нэмэлт, өсөлт, өсөх
compared __________ харьцуулах, жишэх
urban __________ хотын
illustrate __________ харуулах, дүрслэх, үзүүлэх
total __________ ерөнхий, нийтийн
capacity __________ Багтаамж
fules __________ дүрэм, журам, заавар
regulations __________ зохицуулалт
specity __________ тохиолдох, заах
factors __________ нөхцөл, хүчин зүй
provider __________ хангагч, нийлүүлэгч
units __________ байгууламж, зангилаа, төхөөрөмж
agile __________ хурдан, шуурхай
shift __________ солих
voice __________ яриа, дуу хоолой
ether __________ дурын
dual __________ хос, зэрэг, давхар
mode __________ горим, төлөв, хэлбэр
responds __________ хариулах, хангах
falls __________ уналт, буурах, багасах
equipped __________ тоноглох, багаж хэрэгслээр хангах
each __________ бүр, тус бүр
site __________ хэсэг, зангилаа
transnutters __________ дамжуулагч, нэвтрүүлэгч
recevers __________ хүлээн авагч
apparatas __________ аппарат, төхөөрөмж
designated __________ тодорхойлох, тэмдэглэх
assigns __________ томилох, тушаах
directs __________ шууд, шулуун
synthesizer __________ синтезатор
appropriate __________ тохирох таарах
record __________ бичлэг хийх
billing __________ төлбөрийн нэхэмжлэх
details __________ нэг бүрчлэн
leaving __________ орхих, үлдэх, чөлөөлөх
shape __________ хэлбэр, огтлол, дүрс
provides __________ хангах, олгох, бэлдэх
way __________ чиглэл, зай
covering __________ татлах, түлхэх
gaps __________ интервал, загвар, зааг
overlaps __________ илүүдэл
matter __________ эд юм, үндэс, шалгаан
boundaries __________ агаарын хязгаар
approximate __________ ойролцоо, ойртуулах
strenght __________ бат бөх чанар
reports __________ мэдээ, мэдээлэх, илтгэх
occurred __________ гарах, болох, тохиолдох
effect __________ нөлөө, үр дүн
aside __________ салангид, тусдаа
click __________ дарах, товших
result __________ үр дүн, үр дагавар, нийлбэр
momentary __________ агшин зуур
interruption __________ тасалдал, зогсолт
demand __________ шаардлага, хүсэлт
relatively __________ холбоотой, харьцангуй
rules __________ зааварчилгаа
output __________ гаргалт, гадагшлах
necessary __________ хэрэгтэй, зайлшгүй
cover __________ таглах, бүрхэх, бүтээх
Monday, November 15, 2010
Zolzaya said...
About me:
Let’s introduce me friends
If you want to know about me read that text. It’s open for you…..
My name is Zolzaya. I am not twenty two years old just now. I am a student in fourt course. My school of telecommunication and information technology. I live in the Ulaanbaatar with my family. My family has four members. My father’s name is Tuwshinbat. He is a policeman. My mother’s name is Erdenetsetseg. She is a police. My brother’s name is Bat-Erdene. I am little plump but I am not fat. I have got shoulder length brown hair and big brown eyelid crease. My face is simple but my nose is little than same other people. My lip’s upper and down are same thin.
I think we know who is she? Who is he? Their eyes’s glance and lip’s shape. All people are bad and well with character. I have decisive, responsible, loyal, neatly and calm character.. I usually wear T-shirt with jacket, jeans and shoes because there are enjoy for me. Sometimes I need to wear suit and high heeled shoes. That clothes I wear for office meeting and examination.
I like write a poem and sometimes I like read a different writer’s book in my free time. My favourite writer is R.Choinom. I like play table tennis. I don’t like volleyball because I can’t play so after I played volleyball my hands are sick. I like listening to music. My favourite group is flash. I dislike rock music because after that I listen to rock music my head sick. I think rock is a really hard stream. My favourite colors are blue, white and yellow. I don’t like red color because which is several bright color. My favourite foods are buuz and khuushuur. However I think which is fattening food.
People’s bad habits are vodka and smoke. Which is very bad habit. I think it’s very bad for your headline and you can’t with money. If you want you can lost your bad habit. If you could, you win your bad habits.
Pleasure to meet for me. I am future engineer, so I will creative in our country.
About me:
Let’s introduce me friends
If you want to know about me read that text. It’s open for you…..
My name is Zolzaya. I am not twenty two years old just now. I am a student in fourt course. My school of telecommunication and information technology. I live in the Ulaanbaatar with my family. My family has four members. My father’s name is Tuwshinbat. He is a policeman. My mother’s name is Erdenetsetseg. She is a police. My brother’s name is Bat-Erdene. I am little plump but I am not fat. I have got shoulder length brown hair and big brown eyelid crease. My face is simple but my nose is little than same other people. My lip’s upper and down are same thin.
I think we know who is she? Who is he? Their eyes’s glance and lip’s shape. All people are bad and well with character. I have decisive, responsible, loyal, neatly and calm character.. I usually wear T-shirt with jacket, jeans and shoes because there are enjoy for me. Sometimes I need to wear suit and high heeled shoes. That clothes I wear for office meeting and examination.
I like write a poem and sometimes I like read a different writer’s book in my free time. My favourite writer is R.Choinom. I like play table tennis. I don’t like volleyball because I can’t play so after I played volleyball my hands are sick. I like listening to music. My favourite group is flash. I dislike rock music because after that I listen to rock music my head sick. I think rock is a really hard stream. My favourite colors are blue, white and yellow. I don’t like red color because which is several bright color. My favourite foods are buuz and khuushuur. However I think which is fattening food.
People’s bad habits are vodka and smoke. Which is very bad habit. I think it’s very bad for your headline and you can’t with money. If you want you can lost your bad habit. If you could, you win your bad habits.
Pleasure to meet for me. I am future engineer, so I will creative in our country.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Англиас монголруу орчуулах дараалал:
1. Гарчигаа сайтар уншиж, ойлгохыг хичээнэ.
Read the title carefully and try to understand it.
2. Текстээ бүхэлд нь гүйлгэн харна.
Glance over the whole text.
3. Юуны тухай гэдгийг ерөнхийд нь таамаглана.
Guess what it is about generally.
4. Өгүүлбэр өгүүлбрээр нь нягтлан уншина.
Reading thoroughly sentence by sentence.
5. Өгүүлбэрийн бүтцийг харна.
Look at the structure of the sentence.
6. Угтвар, холбоос үгнүүдийг сайтар харна.
Look at prefix and conjunction words in detail.
7. Үгийн төрлөөр нь ялгаж харна.
Identify the type for each word.
8. Дахин сайтар уншиж мэдэхгүй үгны утгыг нь таах гэж үзнэ.
Read again carefully and try to guess the meaning of each unknown word.
9. Мэдэхгүй үгээ толиос харна.
Look new word up in the dictionary.
10. Орчуулж өгүүлбэрийн үндсэн утгыг гаргахыг зорино.
Try to translate and lay out the sentence.
11. Орчуулгаа ноороглож бичнэ.
Write down a draft translation.
12. Ойлгоход хялбар болгож, найруулгыг хянана.
Make it easy to understand and examine the wording.
13. Нооргоо цэгцэлж эх хувилбарыг гаргана.
Rearrange the draft text and produce an initial version.
14. Ерөнхий утга санааг алдагдуулсан эсэхийг шалгана.
Check the principal meaning, whether it is out of context.
15. Эх хувилбараасаа сүүлийн хувилбарыг гарганав
Produce a final version out of the initial version.
Read the title carefully and try to understand it.
2. Текстээ бүхэлд нь гүйлгэн харна.
Glance over the whole text.
3. Юуны тухай гэдгийг ерөнхийд нь таамаглана.
Guess what it is about generally.
4. Өгүүлбэр өгүүлбрээр нь нягтлан уншина.
Reading thoroughly sentence by sentence.
5. Өгүүлбэрийн бүтцийг харна.
Look at the structure of the sentence.
6. Угтвар, холбоос үгнүүдийг сайтар харна.
Look at prefix and conjunction words in detail.
7. Үгийн төрлөөр нь ялгаж харна.
Identify the type for each word.
8. Дахин сайтар уншиж мэдэхгүй үгны утгыг нь таах гэж үзнэ.
Read again carefully and try to guess the meaning of each unknown word.
9. Мэдэхгүй үгээ толиос харна.
Look new word up in the dictionary.
10. Орчуулж өгүүлбэрийн үндсэн утгыг гаргахыг зорино.
Try to translate and lay out the sentence.
11. Орчуулгаа ноороглож бичнэ.
Write down a draft translation.
12. Ойлгоход хялбар болгож, найруулгыг хянана.
Make it easy to understand and examine the wording.
13. Нооргоо цэгцэлж эх хувилбарыг гаргана.
Rearrange the draft text and produce an initial version.
14. Ерөнхий утга санааг алдагдуулсан эсэхийг шалгана.
Check the principal meaning, whether it is out of context.
15. Эх хувилбараасаа сүүлийн хувилбарыг гарганав
Produce a final version out of the initial version.
Монголоос англируу орчуулах арга:
1.To read sentence
2. Words to look
3. Activity to distinguish
4. Advantage to distinguish
5. Words all to write
6. For to north read
7. To look conjunction link
8. Divide in half write
9. To hail look
10. To assemble read
11. To look comma
12. Sentence in better to look
13. To find content
14. Complete for things write
15. To look sum up
1.To read sentence
2. Words to look
3. Activity to distinguish
4. Advantage to distinguish
5. Words all to write
6. For to north read
7. To look conjunction link
8. Divide in half write
9. To hail look
10. To assemble read
11. To look comma
12. Sentence in better to look
13. To find content
14. Complete for things write
15. To look sum up
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
By the late 1960s all the technical elements for cellular were in place, but in the
United States the technology languished through lengthy regulatory debates.
A major issue was frequency spectrum. Plenty of unused spectrum existed in
space reserved for UHF television. In 1974, the FCC designated part of the UHF
spectrum between 800 and 900 MHz for cellular, but they delayed approval of the
service pending hearings on the monopoly aspects of cellular. At the time, the
LECs had a monopoly on landline services, and many interveners urged the FCC
to open cellular to competition. In 1978 an AT&T subsidiary named Advanced
Mobile Phone System (AMPS), installed the first cellular radio demonstration system
in the United States in Chicago. The FCC addressed the monopoly issue by
breaking the spectrum into two segments, allocating half to a non-wireline carrier
and the other to the LEC.
Cellular caught on rapidly and exhausted the initial frequencies. The FCC
expanded the band to 824 to 849 MHz in the mobile to base direction, and 869 to
894 MHz base to mobile. The lower half of each band, called the A band, is designated
for wireline carriers, which are defined roughly as local exchange companies.
The upper half, or B band, is designated for non-wireline carriers, which are non-
LEC common carriers. With the mergers and acquisitions that have occurred since
the original allocations were made, this distinction has all but disappeared. The
FCC grants licenses in both bands to serve a Cellular Geographic Serving Area
(CGSA). A CGSA corresponds to a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), which is a
major metropolitan area defined by the Office of Management and Budget.
Cellular Technology
Cellular overcomes most of the disadvantages of conventional mobile telephone.
Acoverage area is divided into hexagonal cells as shown in Figure 20-2. Frequencies
are not duplicated in adjacent cells, which reducess interference between base stations.
It also allows the carrier to reuse frequencies within the coverage area with a
buffer between cells that are operating on the same band of frequencies. This technique
greatly increases the number of radio channels available compared to a conventional
mobile telephone system, which uses a frequency only once in a coverage
area. The cells are smaller in urban and larger in rural areas.
Figure 20-3 illustrates the general cellular plan. The carrier selects the number
and size of cells to optimize coverage, cost, and total capacity within the serving
area. FCC rules and regulations do not specify these design factors; they are up
to the service provider. The mobile units are frequency agile; that is, they can shift
to any of the voice channels. To operate on either digital or analog channels,
the mobile units also must be dual mode. A dual-mode unit responds to a digital
channel first if one is available. If not, it falls back to analog.
Mobile units are equipped with processor-driven logic units that respond to
incoming calls and shift to radio channels under control of the base station. Each
cell site is equipped with transmitters, receivers, and control apparatus. One or
more frequencies in each cell are designated for calling and control. For incoming
and outgoing calls, the cell-site controller assigns the channel and directs a frequency
synthesizer inside the mobile unit to shift to the appropriate frequency.
An electronic central office serves as a mobile telephone switching office
(MTSO), and controls mobile operation within the cells. The cell-site controllers
connect to the MTSO over datalinks for control signals, and voice channels for
talking. The MTSO switches calls to other mobile units and to the local telephone
system, processes data from the cell-site controllers, and records billing details.
It also controls hand-off so a mobile leaving one cell switches automatically to a
channel in the next cell.
By the late 1960s all the technical elements for cellular were in place, but in the
United States the technology languished through lengthy regulatory debates.
A major issue was frequency spectrum. Plenty of unused spectrum existed in
space reserved for UHF television. In 1974, the FCC designated part of the UHF
spectrum between 800 and 900 MHz for cellular, but they delayed approval of the
service pending hearings on the monopoly aspects of cellular. At the time, the
LECs had a monopoly on landline services, and many interveners urged the FCC
to open cellular to competition. In 1978 an AT&T subsidiary named Advanced
Mobile Phone System (AMPS), installed the first cellular radio demonstration system
in the United States in Chicago. The FCC addressed the monopoly issue by
breaking the spectrum into two segments, allocating half to a non-wireline carrier
and the other to the LEC.
Cellular caught on rapidly and exhausted the initial frequencies. The FCC
expanded the band to 824 to 849 MHz in the mobile to base direction, and 869 to
894 MHz base to mobile. The lower half of each band, called the A band, is designated
for wireline carriers, which are defined roughly as local exchange companies.
The upper half, or B band, is designated for non-wireline carriers, which are non-
LEC common carriers. With the mergers and acquisitions that have occurred since
the original allocations were made, this distinction has all but disappeared. The
FCC grants licenses in both bands to serve a Cellular Geographic Serving Area
(CGSA). A CGSA corresponds to a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), which is a
major metropolitan area defined by the Office of Management and Budget.
Cellular Technology
Cellular overcomes most of the disadvantages of conventional mobile telephone.
Acoverage area is divided into hexagonal cells as shown in Figure 20-2. Frequencies
are not duplicated in adjacent cells, which reducess interference between base stations.
It also allows the carrier to reuse frequencies within the coverage area with a
buffer between cells that are operating on the same band of frequencies. This technique
greatly increases the number of radio channels available compared to a conventional
mobile telephone system, which uses a frequency only once in a coverage
area. The cells are smaller in urban and larger in rural areas.
Figure 20-3 illustrates the general cellular plan. The carrier selects the number
and size of cells to optimize coverage, cost, and total capacity within the serving
area. FCC rules and regulations do not specify these design factors; they are up
to the service provider. The mobile units are frequency agile; that is, they can shift
to any of the voice channels. To operate on either digital or analog channels,
the mobile units also must be dual mode. A dual-mode unit responds to a digital
channel first if one is available. If not, it falls back to analog.
Mobile units are equipped with processor-driven logic units that respond to
incoming calls and shift to radio channels under control of the base station. Each
cell site is equipped with transmitters, receivers, and control apparatus. One or
more frequencies in each cell are designated for calling and control. For incoming
and outgoing calls, the cell-site controller assigns the channel and directs a frequency
synthesizer inside the mobile unit to shift to the appropriate frequency.
An electronic central office serves as a mobile telephone switching office
(MTSO), and controls mobile operation within the cells. The cell-site controllers
connect to the MTSO over datalinks for control signals, and voice channels for
talking. The MTSO switches calls to other mobile units and to the local telephone
system, processes data from the cell-site controllers, and records billing details.
It also controls hand-off so a mobile leaving one cell switches automatically to a
channel in the next cell.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Address: Apt 51-50, 3nd khoroo, Bayangol district, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
E-mail: zola_0425@yahoo.com
Mobile: 96025868
1988: born in Zawkhan, Mongolia
1996-2006: Highschool 20
2006-2010: School of Information and Telecommunication technology, MUST
Work experience:
2010: 4 month, part operator in skytel
I studied how work in group.
I am confident that that my communication skill
Basketball, dance,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Ажлын зар
Vacancy notice
Huawei Technologies Co.,LTtd, as one of the Global TOP3 Telecom Solution Providers, serving for 45 of the world’s top 50 operators, has got a great and continuous growth these years. Huawei’s obtained an expanded and deepened cooperation with leading operators Europe, and got the increased recognition in US, Japan and Australia.
Up to now Huawei has over 95,000 worldwide employees, and among them 40,000 is R&D employees, over 100 branch office. Since 2005 Huawei has establishid is Representative office in Mongolia. To rapidly develop and deepen Mongolian market, improving our service level to our current partners such as UNITEL, Mongolia telecom, Mobicom etc, Huawei sincerely invites you to join in our team, the following positions are widely open to all of the candidates.
Position: Sales manager-2 people, Engeneer (fixed-wireless network) – 2 people, Cashier – 1 people,
• Bachelor degree or above majoring in related fields
• With experience of working in related fields 2 years and above
• Good command of spoken and written English
• Good team spirit with good communications and interpersonal skills
For the Applicants, please provide the documents below and bring at our office or by e-mail:
• Curriculum vitae.
• Copy of diploma
• 1 % photo
The deadline for application: From 9.15.2010 to 10.15.2010
Address: Room #409, Rokmon building Constitution street-24
Bayangol district, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia.
Telephone: 70110727, 88117712, 88116687 Email: dasha@Huawei.com
Website: www.huawei.com
Ажлын зар
Huawei нь дэлхийн ТОР 3 үүрэн телефоны нэг бөгөөд дэлхийн ТОР 50 operator-ын 45д нь үйлчилдэг ба энэ жил илүү өсөлттэй өргөжиж байна. Австрали, Япон, Америк мөн Европын operator компануудтай хамтран ажилласаар өргөжиж амжилтанд хүрсэн.
Одоо huawei нь дэлхий даяар 95000 ажиллагсадтай ба 40000 нь R&D ажилладаг, харин 100 нь салбар дээр ажилладаг. 2005 оноос хойш Huawei монголд салбараа нээсэн. Монголын зах зээл дээр хурдан хөгжиж өсөж байгаа. Өнөөгийн байдлаар Unitel, Mobicom, цахилгаан холбооны үйлчилгээний төвшин илүү сайжирч байна.
Албан тушаал: Борлуулалтын менежер-2 хүн, Утасгүй холбооны инженер 2 хүн, Кассчин 1 хүн.
- Бакалаврын зэрэгтэй
- 2-с дээш жил ажилласан ажлын туршлагатай
- Англиар ярих, бичих, зааварлах чалвартай
- Хувь хүний харилцааны өндөр соёлтой
Өргөдөл гаргагч нар: өөрийн мэдээллээ манай байгууллага дээр авчрах эсвэл Email илгээнэ.
- Анкет
- Дипломын хуулбар
- 1 % зураг
Өргөдөлийн сүүлийн хугацаа 2010-9-15 аас 2010-1015.
Хаяг: Mонгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Баянгол дүүрэг,
Үндсэн хуулийн гудамж, Rokmon барилга 409
Утас : 70110727, 88117712, 88116687 Email: dasha@Huawei.com
Website: www.huawei.com
Huawei Technologies Co.,LTtd, as one of the Global TOP3 Telecom Solution Providers, serving for 45 of the world’s top 50 operators, has got a great and continuous growth these years. Huawei’s obtained an expanded and deepened cooperation with leading operators Europe, and got the increased recognition in US, Japan and Australia.
Up to now Huawei has over 95,000 worldwide employees, and among them 40,000 is R&D employees, over 100 branch office. Since 2005 Huawei has establishid is Representative office in Mongolia. To rapidly develop and deepen Mongolian market, improving our service level to our current partners such as UNITEL, Mongolia telecom, Mobicom etc, Huawei sincerely invites you to join in our team, the following positions are widely open to all of the candidates.
Position: Sales manager-2 people, Engeneer (fixed-wireless network) – 2 people, Cashier – 1 people,
• Bachelor degree or above majoring in related fields
• With experience of working in related fields 2 years and above
• Good command of spoken and written English
• Good team spirit with good communications and interpersonal skills
For the Applicants, please provide the documents below and bring at our office or by e-mail:
• Curriculum vitae.
• Copy of diploma
• 1 % photo
The deadline for application: From 9.15.2010 to 10.15.2010
Address: Room #409, Rokmon building Constitution street-24
Bayangol district, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia.
Telephone: 70110727, 88117712, 88116687 Email: dasha@Huawei.com
Website: www.huawei.com
Ажлын зар
Huawei нь дэлхийн ТОР 3 үүрэн телефоны нэг бөгөөд дэлхийн ТОР 50 operator-ын 45д нь үйлчилдэг ба энэ жил илүү өсөлттэй өргөжиж байна. Австрали, Япон, Америк мөн Европын operator компануудтай хамтран ажилласаар өргөжиж амжилтанд хүрсэн.
Одоо huawei нь дэлхий даяар 95000 ажиллагсадтай ба 40000 нь R&D ажилладаг, харин 100 нь салбар дээр ажилладаг. 2005 оноос хойш Huawei монголд салбараа нээсэн. Монголын зах зээл дээр хурдан хөгжиж өсөж байгаа. Өнөөгийн байдлаар Unitel, Mobicom, цахилгаан холбооны үйлчилгээний төвшин илүү сайжирч байна.
Албан тушаал: Борлуулалтын менежер-2 хүн, Утасгүй холбооны инженер 2 хүн, Кассчин 1 хүн.
- Бакалаврын зэрэгтэй
- 2-с дээш жил ажилласан ажлын туршлагатай
- Англиар ярих, бичих, зааварлах чалвартай
- Хувь хүний харилцааны өндөр соёлтой
Өргөдөл гаргагч нар: өөрийн мэдээллээ манай байгууллага дээр авчрах эсвэл Email илгээнэ.
- Анкет
- Дипломын хуулбар
- 1 % зураг
Өргөдөлийн сүүлийн хугацаа 2010-9-15 аас 2010-1015.
Хаяг: Mонгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Баянгол дүүрэг,
Үндсэн хуулийн гудамж, Rokmon барилга 409
Утас : 70110727, 88117712, 88116687 Email: dasha@Huawei.com
Website: www.huawei.com
Monday, October 18, 2010
Ажлын зар
АНУ-ын их, дээд сургуулиудад суралцах сургалтын
тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр
Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улсын их, дээд сургуулиудад боловсрол эзэмших сонирхолтой оюутан залуучуудад тэтгэлгээр суралцах боломжийг олгож байна. 2009 оны наймдугаар сард хичээл эхлэх тэтгэлэгт бүх мэргэжлээр зургаан оюутныг сонгон шалгаруулж элсүүлнэ.
Магистранрурт 1-1,5 жил суралцах.
Бакалаврт лөрвөн жил суралцах.
Тавих шаардлага:
• Англи хэлний дээд түвшний мэдлэгтэй
• АНУ-ын их, дээд сургуульд сурах зорилгоо зохион бичлэгээр хоёр хуудаснаас илүүгүйгээр илэрхийлсэн байх
• Иргэний үнэмлэх
• Өөрийн хувийн намтар
• Хоёр хувь зураг
• Таныг сайн мэдэх хоёр хүний тодорхойлолт
• Дунд сургуулийн ахлах ангийн төгсөгч сурагч бол одоо сурч байгаа дүнгийн тодорхойлолт
• Их, дээд сургуулийн I,II курсын оюутан бол үргэлжлүүлэн суралцахад тооцуулах дүнгийн жагсаалт
• Жич: Говь боловсрол төв дээр англи хэлний шалгалтыг бичгээр болон амаар өгнө. Мөн АНУ-д суралцах хугацаандаа байр хоолны төлбөрөө төлөх чадварыг бодитоор илэрхийлэх баримтыг үзүүлэх хэрэгтэй
• Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг доорх хачгаар авна уу!
Утас : 976-(11)-70114829
Факс :976-11-319165
USA university’s student grants
We are giving opportunity of studing in USA university for students. Choose 6 student’s for lesson, which start august, 2009.
Magister (1-1.5 years)
Bachelor (4 years)
Requirements :
• Good knowledge of English language
• Essay in purpose of study in USA (no more 2 pages)
• Passport
• Application
• Two copy picture
• Two reference letters
• If study in middle school, take mark definition
• If study in 1 or 2th course, take mark list
• Other : Stand up to writing and reading English in Gobi education centre. Must take payment document, which can pay of food and communal.
• Contact us below address
“Gobi education centre”
Tel : 976-(11)-70114829
Fax : Факс :976-11-319165
тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр
Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улсын их, дээд сургуулиудад боловсрол эзэмших сонирхолтой оюутан залуучуудад тэтгэлгээр суралцах боломжийг олгож байна. 2009 оны наймдугаар сард хичээл эхлэх тэтгэлэгт бүх мэргэжлээр зургаан оюутныг сонгон шалгаруулж элсүүлнэ.
Магистранрурт 1-1,5 жил суралцах.
Бакалаврт лөрвөн жил суралцах.
Тавих шаардлага:
• Англи хэлний дээд түвшний мэдлэгтэй
• АНУ-ын их, дээд сургуульд сурах зорилгоо зохион бичлэгээр хоёр хуудаснаас илүүгүйгээр илэрхийлсэн байх
• Иргэний үнэмлэх
• Өөрийн хувийн намтар
• Хоёр хувь зураг
• Таныг сайн мэдэх хоёр хүний тодорхойлолт
• Дунд сургуулийн ахлах ангийн төгсөгч сурагч бол одоо сурч байгаа дүнгийн тодорхойлолт
• Их, дээд сургуулийн I,II курсын оюутан бол үргэлжлүүлэн суралцахад тооцуулах дүнгийн жагсаалт
• Жич: Говь боловсрол төв дээр англи хэлний шалгалтыг бичгээр болон амаар өгнө. Мөн АНУ-д суралцах хугацаандаа байр хоолны төлбөрөө төлөх чадварыг бодитоор илэрхийлэх баримтыг үзүүлэх хэрэгтэй
• Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг доорх хачгаар авна уу!
Утас : 976-(11)-70114829
Факс :976-11-319165
USA university’s student grants
We are giving opportunity of studing in USA university for students. Choose 6 student’s for lesson, which start august, 2009.
Magister (1-1.5 years)
Bachelor (4 years)
Requirements :
• Good knowledge of English language
• Essay in purpose of study in USA (no more 2 pages)
• Passport
• Application
• Two copy picture
• Two reference letters
• If study in middle school, take mark definition
• If study in 1 or 2th course, take mark list
• Other : Stand up to writing and reading English in Gobi education centre. Must take payment document, which can pay of food and communal.
• Contact us below address
“Gobi education centre”
Tel : 976-(11)-70114829
Fax : Факс :976-11-319165
Friday, October 8, 2010
Application / Unitel /
1. Basic information
Job that your interest : engineer
Your wanted salary : 480000 tug
Your time to be employed: 01.06.2010
Last name : Tuvswhinbat
First name : Zolzaya
Sex: Female
Date of birth : 25.04.1988
Birth land : Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Nationality : Mongolian
Number of register : ITS88042563
Adress: Apt #51-50, 2th district, 3 th khoroo,
Bayangol district
Phone : 96025868
E-mail : Zola_0425@yahoo.com
2. Education
Your own profession and education / please write with high school education /
Where / foreign land, inner / : Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
When : 1996-2006, 2006-2010
Which school graduate: high school #20, Information technology and
Telecommunication of MUST
Owned profession: Telecommunication engineer
Education: higher education
Degree: bachelor
Mark: 3.00
Language knowledge
Which language owned: English,
Term / by year /: English 4 years,
Understand for speak: good
Speak yourself: good
Reading: good
Write and translate: good
In your profession and other kind of occupational training
Where / foreign, internal / : English language course in Mongolia,
When: englsih 2009-2010,
What kind: language
During term: 4 years
Computer skill
Microsoft Word: good
Microsoft Excel : good
Microsoft Access: good
Microsoft Project: good
Microsoft Powerpoint: good
Pagemaker: good
Photoshop: good
Corel Draw :good
3. Work experience
Your work experience / Please write begin your current job /
Name of organization: MUST
Kind of worked post: network engineer
Date of job begin: 2008
Date of chuck in job: 2009
Salary per month : 55000 tug
Mani salary: 400000 tug
Extra: 15000 tug
Reason that chuck in job: I was working for have e more expierence and it was
casual job
Person who give reference job or experience skill more
Name of given reference person: NO
Name of organization: NO
Job: NO
Phone: NO
4. More about your health pain
Have you any talent for sport and art?
What kind: land tennis
How many years did you study: 2 year
Degree or awards: NO
Award’s name: NO
Award’s year: NO
5. About family / just write about now living with you /
Who is for you: mother
Last name: Erdenetsetseg. B
Date of birth: 20.06.1965
Profession: police
Name of now working organization: BZD police
Name of now working job: police
Phone: 96014724
6. Other
Does your friend or relative work in Unitel? / If yes, which sector and what kind of post /
Who’s yours: NO
Last name: NO
Sector: NO
Job: NO
Phone: NO
Have you driver card: NO
Type: NO
How many years did you drive?: NO
1. Basic information
Job that your interest : engineer
Your wanted salary : 480000 tug
Your time to be employed: 01.06.2010
Last name : Tuvswhinbat
First name : Zolzaya
Sex: Female
Date of birth : 25.04.1988
Birth land : Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Nationality : Mongolian
Number of register : ITS88042563
Adress: Apt #51-50, 2th district, 3 th khoroo,
Bayangol district
Phone : 96025868
E-mail : Zola_0425@yahoo.com
2. Education
Your own profession and education / please write with high school education /
Where / foreign land, inner / : Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
When : 1996-2006, 2006-2010
Which school graduate: high school #20, Information technology and
Telecommunication of MUST
Owned profession: Telecommunication engineer
Education: higher education
Degree: bachelor
Mark: 3.00
Language knowledge
Which language owned: English,
Term / by year /: English 4 years,
Understand for speak: good
Speak yourself: good
Reading: good
Write and translate: good
In your profession and other kind of occupational training
Where / foreign, internal / : English language course in Mongolia,
When: englsih 2009-2010,
What kind: language
During term: 4 years
Computer skill
Microsoft Word: good
Microsoft Excel : good
Microsoft Access: good
Microsoft Project: good
Microsoft Powerpoint: good
Pagemaker: good
Photoshop: good
Corel Draw :good
3. Work experience
Your work experience / Please write begin your current job /
Name of organization: MUST
Kind of worked post: network engineer
Date of job begin: 2008
Date of chuck in job: 2009
Salary per month : 55000 tug
Mani salary: 400000 tug
Extra: 15000 tug
Reason that chuck in job: I was working for have e more expierence and it was
casual job
Person who give reference job or experience skill more
Name of given reference person: NO
Name of organization: NO
Job: NO
Phone: NO
4. More about your health pain
Have you any talent for sport and art?
What kind: land tennis
How many years did you study: 2 year
Degree or awards: NO
Award’s name: NO
Award’s year: NO
5. About family / just write about now living with you /
Who is for you: mother
Last name: Erdenetsetseg. B
Date of birth: 20.06.1965
Profession: police
Name of now working organization: BZD police
Name of now working job: police
Phone: 96014724
6. Other
Does your friend or relative work in Unitel? / If yes, which sector and what kind of post /
Who’s yours: NO
Last name: NO
Sector: NO
Job: NO
Phone: NO
Have you driver card: NO
Type: NO
How many years did you drive?: NO
Cover letter
Cover letter
October 11, 2009
Zolzaya, Tuvshinbat
School of Information and Telecommunication technology, MUST
Apt 51-50, 3nd khoroo, Bayangol district,
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,
Cell# (976)96025868
E-mail: Zola_0425@yahoo.com
“To whom in May Concern”,
My name is Zolzaya.T. I graduated my school as an engineer of telecommunication . I’m seeking a suitable work.
I am applying for engineer of telecommunication in your company, which advertised on “Daily News” newspaper. I have enclosed the following materials namely, CV, reference letter from English teacher, certificates, diplomas and detail of my interesting.
I am confident that that my communication skill. Also I have been working group of student, so I studied how work in group.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope there will be a chance to discuss my qualifications and plans for my future career in detail for the best fit in your company.
Sincerely yours,
October 11, 2009
Zolzaya, Tuvshinbat
School of Information and Telecommunication technology, MUST
Apt 51-50, 3nd khoroo, Bayangol district,
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,
Cell# (976)96025868
E-mail: Zola_0425@yahoo.com
“To whom in May Concern”,
My name is Zolzaya.T. I graduated my school as an engineer of telecommunication . I’m seeking a suitable work.
I am applying for engineer of telecommunication in your company, which advertised on “Daily News” newspaper. I have enclosed the following materials namely, CV, reference letter from English teacher, certificates, diplomas and detail of my interesting.
I am confident that that my communication skill. Also I have been working group of student, so I studied how work in group.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope there will be a chance to discuss my qualifications and plans for my future career in detail for the best fit in your company.
Sincerely yours,
Business Letter
Business letter
October 13, 2009
Tuvshinbat Zolzaya
Bayangol district, 3 khoroo
Nomin Department Store
Bayngol district
Dear Sir’s
I bought expensive laptop from your shop two weeks ago, and was assured by the salesmen that were among the best available in town. However I bought then home I found, upon checking, one of them had a detective dial, consequently the laptop is damaged after in hour.
It is indeed a great disappointment to me as it costs me core than $1000 for the watch. I am therefore sending the laptop back to you with the receipt so that you can trace the brand and do the necessary for me.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would exchange it for a good one, as you know the customer is entitled to get a product that is worth his money.
Yours faithfully
Tuvshinbat Zolzaya
October 13, 2009
Tuvshinbat Zolzaya
Bayangol district, 3 khoroo
Nomin Department Store
Bayngol district
Dear Sir’s
I bought expensive laptop from your shop two weeks ago, and was assured by the salesmen that were among the best available in town. However I bought then home I found, upon checking, one of them had a detective dial, consequently the laptop is damaged after in hour.
It is indeed a great disappointment to me as it costs me core than $1000 for the watch. I am therefore sending the laptop back to you with the receipt so that you can trace the brand and do the necessary for me.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would exchange it for a good one, as you know the customer is entitled to get a product that is worth his money.
Yours faithfully
Tuvshinbat Zolzaya